Medicare Supplement coverage in Pennsylvania is an affordable option to pay for healthcare expenses that are typically not covered by original Medicare. The Keystone State features many low-cost Senior plans that reduce your out-of-pocket costs and include guaranteed enrollment. The best Pa Medigap policies are also very easy to apply for. Maximum benefits or exclusions may apply to specific plans. Many attractive options are available to the elderly and disabled. Part D contracts cover drugs and prescriptions and can also be packaged with Advantage contracts. Separate coverage can also be purchased.
If you are age 65 or older, our website allows you to easily view and compare all available plans at the lowest available rates. All quotes are free (see top of page) and are provided without any cost or obligation. Supplement policies are designed to pay your coinsurance, copayments, deductibles, and other expenses that are not typically paid for. Ten available plan options are offered, although prices and availability will vary, depending on your county of residence. Benefits are standardized, although pricing is different.
Parts A (hospitalization) and B (medical services) coverage are provided by the federal government. Part C is the privately-run Medicare Advantage plan options, which provide benefits for parts A and B, along with other coverage. Part D is your prescription drug coverage. Although Parts A and B deductibles and premiums have increased, many low-cost policies are still offered. NOTE: Once Open Enrollment has ended, although you can still apply for coverage, medical underwriting may be required. This Enrollment period does not use the same dates that are utilized by persons under age 65 (Affordable Care Act Legislation).
Available Pa Senior Plans
Available plans are standardized in the following forms: A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. A “high-deductible” option is also offered for Plan F. K and L contracts put a maximum cap on your annual out-of-pocket expenses each year. Once you have satisfied the Part B deductible annual limit, 100% of covered benefits are paid. Premiums are based on either community-rated, issue-age rated, or attained-age rated underwriting. Unlike individual private medical coverage, prices tend to remain fairly stable, instead of increasing by 10% or more each year.
Generally, Plans F and G are the most comprehensive options. For example, F contracts cover all nine of the coverage gaps while G plans are similar, except for not providing excess charges above the Part B deductible. Plan C also is considered a “comprehensive” policy. Plan A provides the fewest benefits since only the four major gaps are covered. Plan B is similar to Plan A, although it adds the Part A deductible to its list of benefits.
All carriers that offer Medigap plans in the state, must offer both A and B contracts to be eligible to offer additional policies. NOTE: The majority of Americans do not pay for their Part A benefits. However, if you purchase coverage, the monthly rate is $413 (up from $411). The Part A inpatient hospital deductible is $1,316 (up from $1,288) Days 1-60 continue with $0 coinsurance.
However, days 61-90 have a coinsurance of $329 (up from $322) while days and 91 and beyond have a $658 (up from $644) for each lifetime reserve day. Part B monthly costs are $134 and higher (up from $104.90). The Part B deductible is $183 (up from $166) with a 20% coinsurance.
Also, Medicare Advantage Options are also issued by private carriers, but replace Parts And B as opposed to acting as a supplement. PPO Advantage contracts provide the most flexibility regarding choosing providers. HMO options are more restrictive since you must utilize the designated network, unless emergency treatment is needed.
Illustrated below are the specific plans offered by companies licensed and approved to offer coverage in Pa. UnitedHealthcare plans are issued through AARP. Also, Aetna and Humana are completing a merger that will create a single company.
Pennsylvania Medicare Supplement Plans
Aetna – A, B, F, F (High Deductible), G, N.
American Continental – A,B,F, F (High Deductible), G, N.
American Progressive Life – A,B,C,D, F (High Deductible, G.
American Republic – A,B,F, F (High Deductible), K, L.
American Retirement Life – A,B,F,G,N.
Avalon – A,B,C,F,N.
Bankers Fidelity Life – A,B,F, F (High Deductible), G,K.
Blue Cross of Northeastern Pa – A,B,C,F, F (High Deductible), N.
Capital Blue Cross – A,B,C,F,N.
Central States – A,B,C,D,F,G,N.
Colonial Penn Life – A,B,F,F (High Deductible),G,K,L,M,N.
Companion Life – A,B,F,G.
Equitable – A,B,F,N.
Forethought – A,B,C,G,F,N.
Geisinger – A,B,C,F,F (High Deductible),M,N.
Gerber – A,B,C,D,F,G.
Globe Life & Accident – A,B,C,F (High Deductible).
Government Personnel Mutual – A,B,C,D,F,G,N.
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield – A,B,C,F, F (High Deductible), N.
Highmark Blue Shield – A,B,C,F,F (High Deductible), N.
Humana Dental – A,B,F,F (High Deductible),K,N.
Humana – A,B,C,F,F (High Deductible), K,L,N.
Independence Blue Cross – A,B,C,F,F (High Deductible), N.
KSJK Life – A,B,C,D,F,G,M,N.
Liberty National – A,B,C,D,F,G,N.
Loyal American – A,B,C,D,F,G,N.
Manhattan Life – A,B,C,F,G,N.
Medico – A,B,F,F (High Deductible),G,N.
Mutual Of Omaha – A,B,C,D,F,G.
Oxford Life – A,B,C,N.
Philadelphia American Life – A,B,C,F,F (High Deductible),G,N.
Physicians Mutual – A,B,F,F (High Deductible),G.
Sentinel Security – A,B,C,D,F,G,N.
Standard Security Life – A,B,F,G,K,N.
State Farm – A,B,C,F.
Thrivent Financial – A,B,C,D,F, F (High Deductible),G,L,M.
Transamerica – A,B,C,D,F,G,K,L,M,N.
United American – A,B,C,D,F,F (High Deductible),N.
UnitedHealthcare (for AARP) – A,B,F,F (High Deductible),G,K,L,N.
United World Life – A,B,C,D,F,G,M.
Missing Plans
Plans E,H,I, and J can no longer be purchased as new coverage. However, if you bought one of these plans (assuming it was issued before June 1, 2010), you are permitted to retain coverage. When the Medicare Modernization Act was passed, these three options were discontinued. The principal reason was that many of the benefits were duplicated on other plans, including comprehensive preventative coverage. The State DOI provides additional information regarding active and inactive plans.
Although you are not required to change from an existing E,H.I. or J plan, it is often beneficial to consider alternative policies since your rate may reduce, while additional benefits are added. However, it is very important to properly compare all differences (including the premium), to determine if an upgraded contract is cost-efficient. If you do choose to terminate one of the previously-mentioned four plans, you can not re-enroll in those options.
Sample Rates
Shown below are prices from selected major carriers for a non-smoking 65 year-old male residing in Allegheny County. Many plans are not offered in all Pa Counties, and costs may vary, depending where you live.
$49 – Medico High Deductible Plan F
$80 – Humana High Deductible Plan F
$108 – Manhattan Life Plan N
$112 – Aetna Plan N
$112 – Polish Falcons Of America Plan F
$115 – Medico Plan N
$117 – Cigna Plan N
$119 – CSI Life Plan N
$124 – Equitable Plan N
$130 – Mutual Of Omaha Plan A
$130 – Aetna Plan G
$140 – Cigna Plan A
Company rates are determined in three distinct ways. Although smoking, type of plan, and where you live, impacts the premium, the following methods of rating can be used:
Attained Age – The cost of the plan is determined by your age at the time you apply. However, as you get older, the premium typically increases. Therefore, your rate at age 65 will be much less expensive than your rate at 85.
Issue Age – Rates are also based on your age at the time you apply for coverage. However, prices never increase, so the longer you keep coverage, the more cost-effective it becomes. However, initially, you pay more than a policy that used attained age rating.
Community Rated – All applicants pay the same premium, regardless of age.
How Will Donald Trump’s Presidential Victory Impact Medicare?
Initially, there will probably be very few (if any) significant changes, as the President focuses on improving or repealing Obamacare. Medicare is very unlikely to be abolished, although additional HSA options may be added for Seniors that prefer the high-deductible concept.
Pennsylvania Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans are offered through top-rated companies. Shop for personalized coverage that meets your benefit and budget needs. If you are a legal citizen and have been in the United States for at least five years, you are likely eligible for benefits. Plans are issued individually, so, for example, if both you and your spouse enroll, two separate policies will be issued. This does not result in higher premiums.
Senior options can be fully-customized to help reduce out-of-pocket expenses. Free quotes are available at the top of this page. If you have not reached age 65 yet, it’s possible you may be eligible for Medicaid, or a subsidized Marketplace healthcare plan. Each year, there is a new Open Enrollment that guarantees coverage regardless of your medical history.
Additional information is also provided by the various Departments of County Aging. There are eight separate Regions that each have between five and eight offices. For example, Region 1 serves the Philadelphia area with offices in the surrounding five counties. Region 5 services Franklin, Cumberland, Perry, and Adams Counties along with the Huntingdon, Bedford, Fulton, Mifflin, and Juniata areas.